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<SpacesLink />

The <SpacesLink /> component is used to handle the complexities of configuration navigation. This includes standard links, legacy SSO links, and Magneto SSO links.

<SpacesLink /> also includes some additional functionality. Top Apps can be updated on click. Configuration favoriting can be handled. A "New!" badge can be displayed based on the configuration's activeDate. Images and Icons can also be displayed.

NOTE: Using <SpacesLink /> depends on react-query


import React from 'react';
import Spaces, { SpacesLink } from '@availity/spaces';

<SpacesLink spaceId="73162546201441126239486200007187" body appIcon />


spaceId?: string

If no spaceId is provided, the first space in the spaces array is used. Note: This is only to be used when the Spaces provider should only ever contain a single space.

space?: SanitizedSpace

Use to directly pass a space to the component rather than have it fetched from the spaces API. This component does not have to be a child of a SpacesProvider.

Note: If you are wanting to take advantage of the sso links you will additionally need to pass the clientId in.

clientId?: string

Required when space is not provided, or space is provided and space contains an sso link.

tag?: React.ComponentType | string;

Tag to overwrite the root component rendered.

bodyTag?: React.ComponentType | string;

Tag to overwrite the body component that renders the title, description and date values. It defaults to CardBody or div depending on the value of the linkStyle prop.

titleTag: React.ComponentType | string

Tag to overwrite the title component. If linkStyle prop is set to "card", defaults to CardTitle. If linkStyle is set to "list", defaults to ListGroupItemHeading. Otherwise, defaults to div.

textTag: React.ComponentType | string

Tag to overwrite the text component. If linkStyle prop is set to "card", defaults to CardText. If linkStyle is set to "list", defaults to ListGroupItemText. Otherwise, defaults to div.

linkStyle?: string

When passed in, provides predefined styles for the component. Possible values are card, and list.

icon?: boolean

When true, renders an @availity/icon next to the title if present on the space.

description?: boolean

When true, renders the Spaces description beneath the title.

appIcon?: boolean

When true, renders an app icon to the left of the title and formats depending on the space information given.

favorite?: boolean

When true, renders the FavoriteHeart component to the left of the Component. Note, this does require you to have wrapped your component somewhere in the Favorites Provider. This also requires the peerDependency react-query.

body?: boolean

When true, renders the title, and allow for the description and date info to be added on. Default: true

showDate?: boolean

When true, renders the activeDate of the space.

showNew?: boolean

When true, renders a "New!" badge if the activeDate is less than 30 days old.

size?: string

Adjusts the icon size of the AppIcon if enabled.

stacked?: boolean

When true, renders the component vertically.

loading?: boolean

Optionally pass in your own loading state for the component if you are managing the state yourself.

maxDescriptionLength?: number

Allows the description length to be truncated.

skeletonProps?: object

Dimensions passed to loader to show while the image is loading.

linkAttributes?: object

Additional attributes you may want to tack onto the native-form when submitting a SAML sso. i.e. spaceId or sourceApplicationId

children?: React.ReactNode | (spacesContext: SpacesContext) => ReactNode

Children can be a react child or render prop.

card: boolean

When true, utilizes the reactstrap Card component for styling.

role: string

Allows the role of the root component to be overwritten. If linkStyle prop is set to "list", defaults to "listitem".

analytics: object

When Analytics props are passed inside the analytics props, they will be passed down to the click item. For more information on Analytics props see: Autotrack Logged Events