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This is a monorepo managed using lerna in independent mode (each package is versioned and published individually).


Ensure yarn is installed

npm install -g yarn

Install the dependencies

yarn install

All subsequent installs should be quick after the first one.

Adding a New Package

yarn new


This repo requires the components to be built for testing, linting, and releasing to work properly so we try to handle this for you where possible


Run yarn build:components to make sure jest is running tests against the latest code


Run yarn build:components to create the dist where the packaged code can be accessed


Run yarn build:components after install to build the components and make sure they are up to date for use locally


Commits should use the Angular Commit Format. Scope should one of un-prefixed names of the packages under ./packages/. If a commit applies to multiple packages, leave out the scope.

Canary Releases

Useful for testing out changes. Canary releases do not impact the current latest tag version.

lerna publish -c