This API Reference documents all the available configurations for gatsby-config.js
npX install-peerdeps @availity/gatsby-theme-docs
We include an export for the default theme options in the case you don't want to explicity put them there yourself.
You can simply import the file and spread its contents onto the theme options before overwriting with your own if you are unsure what all you have missed.
const navConfig = {'/availity-workflow': {text: 'Getting Started',matchRegex: '^/availity-workflow',},'/availity-uikit': {text: 'UI Kit',matchRegex: '^/availity-uikit',},'/availity-react': {text: 'Components',matchRegex: '^/availity-react',},'/sdk-js': {text: 'Resources',matchRegex: '^/sdk-js',},};module.exports = {siteName: 'Availity Docs',baseUrl: '',navConfig,};
Option name | Type | Description |
root | string | Must be __dirname |
subtitle | string | The title that gets rendered above the sidebar navigation |
description | string | The site description for SEO and social (FB, Twitter) tags |
contentDir | string | The directory where docs content exists (docs/source by default) |
gitType | string | The repository manager: Github, Bitbucket, or Gitlab |
gitRepo | string | The owner and name of the content repository on Github, Bitbucket, or Gitlab |
sidebarCategories | object | An object mapping categories to page paths ([described below][]) |
navConfig | object | An object containing all the navigation items rendered at the top right of the top nav |
The sidebarCategories
option is an object keyed by category titles. Each entry in the object is an array of page paths. The path should resemble the location of a Markdown/MDX file in the git repository, relative to contentDir
, and without the .md
extension. Sidebar navigation items that are not a member of a category live under the null
{null: ['index','getting-started','whats-new'],Features: ['features/mocking','features/errors','features/data-sources']}
If you want to have secondary categories like Gatsby Them Core then you can make your category an object like the below.
{'API Reference': [{resolve: 'reference/gatsby-core/index', // The secondary page introdpages: [ // the list of pages underneath'reference/gatsby-core/components','reference/gatsby-core/reference']}, 'reference/gatsby-docs'],}
The navConfig
option is an object keyed by the title of the nav items to be rendered at the top right of the screen in the navigation.
{'/availity-workflow': {text: 'Getting Started',matchRegex: '^/availity-workflow',},'/availity-uikit': {text: 'UI Kit',matchRegex: '^/availity-uikit',},}