
avDimmer is a directive that displays a message or effect over an element. avDimmer checks for a specific child element and if its found, will call a velocity animation on it based on a show and hide event.


angular.module('app', ['availity.ui']);


avDimmerConfigProvider can be used to globally set values for all avDimmer instances. Directive overrides are allow passing the configuration to attribute av-dimmer-config.

    animationConfig: {
      duration: 250
    showAnimation: 'fadeIn',
    showEvent: 'mouseenter',
    hideAnimation: 'fadeOut',
    hideEvent: 'mouseleave',
    overlaySelector: '.dimmer-content'


The directive av-dimmer can be used as an element or an attribute

     <span av-dimmer>...</span>

This will add the event listeners to this element, and search its children with the overlaySelector to apply the animations to.

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