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<Field />

Input field wrapped in additional features such as label, feedback, grid options, etc


import React from 'react';
import { Form, Field } from '@availity/form';
import { Button } from 'reactstrap';
import * as yup from 'yup';

const Example = () => (
hello: '',
onSubmit={(values) => alert(JSON.stringify(values))}
hello: yup.string().isRequired(true),
<Field name="hello" label="Greeting" required />
<Button type="submit" color="primary">

Live example: Storybook


name: string

Identifies the field and matches the validation schema.

tag?: React.ComponentType | string

The Node or tag to substitute as the input field. Default is reactstrap Input tag.

label?: React.ReactNode

Contents of the field label. Renders within a Reactstrap <Label />.

labelHidden? boolean

Used to hide the label.

required? boolean

Will add aria-required to input, will add <RequiredAsterisk /> to label.

disabled? boolean

Disable the <Field />.

readOnly? boolean

Mark the field as read only.

size? string

Size of the input field. Potential values: "lg", "sm"

inputClass?: string

Class names passed to the input tag.

labelClass?: string

Class names passed to the label tag.

helpId?: string

Help topic id, adds <FieldHelpIcon/> next to the label (should not be within label for accessibility).

helpMessage?: React.ReactNode

Display info text below the field

labelAttrs?: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLLabelElement>

Pass additional attributes to the label

groupAttrs?: FormGroupProps

Pass additional attributes to Form Group

grid?: object

Object mapping number of columns to the label and input.

children?: ({ input: React.ReactNode, feedback: React.ReactNode }) => React.ReactNode

Optionally override the way the input is rendered with child render prop.

append?: React.ReactNode | string

Append an InputAddon to the end of the Input.

prepend?: React.ReactNode | string

Append an InputAddon to the start of the Input.