Wrapper for tus-js-client
is a powerful wrapper for the tus-js-client
library, providing a high-level API for managing file uploads using the tus protocol. This package simplifies the process of initiating, monitoring, and handling file uploads in JavaScript applications. Key features include:
- Easy-to-use Upload class for managing file uploads
- Progress tracking and real-time status updates
- Robust error handling and retry mechanisms
- File validation (size, type, name)
- Support for encrypted file uploads
- Customizable upload options and callbacks
npm install @availity/upload-core
yarn add @availity/upload-core
Basic Usage
import Upload from '@availity/upload-core';
const file = new File(['file content'], 'example.pdf', {
type: 'application/pdf',
const upload = new Upload(file, {
bucketId: 'YOUR_BUCKET_ID',
customerId: 'YOUR_CUSTOMER_ID',
clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
// Add event listeners
upload.onProgress.push(() => {
console.log(`Upload progress: ${upload.percentage}%`);
upload.onSuccess.push(() => {
console.log('Upload completed successfully!');
console.log('File references:', upload.references);
console.log('S3 references:', upload.s3References);
upload.onError.push((error) => {
console.error('Upload failed:', error.message);
// Generate unique ID and start upload
await upload.generateId();
Required params
Parameter | Type | Description |
bucketId | string | The target bucket |
customerId | string | The customer id of the organization |
clientId | string | The client id for api calls |
Optional params
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
fileTypes | string | Allowed file extensions (e.g., '.pdf', '.png') | |
maxSize | number | Maximum file size in bytes | |
metadata | object | Additional metadata for the upload | |
allowedFileNameCharacters | string | Regex pattern for allowed filename characters | |
pollingTime | number | 5000 | Interval for virus scan polling (ms) |
maxAvScanRetries | number | 10 | Maximum retries for virus scan check |
stripFileNamePathSegments | boolean | true | Remove path segments from filename |
Upload event handlers
Each one of these should be an array of functions
- onPreStart: each function should return a boolean. If false, upload-core will not make xhr request.
- onProgress: occurs during initial and at various points of the Xhr call to backend.
- onSuccess: each function is called once if there is a success.
- onError: each function is called once if there is an error.
Advanced Usage Examples
File Type Restrictions
const upload = new Upload(file, {
bucketId: 'bucket123',
customerId: 'customer123',
clientId: 'client123',
fileTypes: ['.pdf', '.doc', '.docx'],
maxSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024, // 10MB
allowedFileNameCharacters: '_a-zA-Z0-9 ', // alphanumeric, spaces, underscore
Custom Metadata
const upload = new Upload(file, {
bucketId: 'bucket123',
customerId: 'customer123',
clientId: 'client123',
metadata: {
'document-type': 'medical-record',
'patient-id': '12345',
department: 'cardiology',
Handling Encrypted Files
const upload = new Upload(file, {
bucketId: 'bucket123',
customerId: 'customer123',
clientId: 'client123',
upload.onError.push((error) => {
if (upload.status === 'encrypted') {
// Prompt user for password
const password = promptUserForPassword();
} else {
console.error('Upload failed:', error.message);
Progress Tracking
const upload = new Upload(file, {
bucketId: 'bucket123',
customerId: 'customer123',
clientId: 'client123',
upload.onProgress.push(() => {
const uploadedSize = upload.bytesSent;
const totalSize = upload.bytesTotal;
const scannedBytes = upload.bytesScanned;
const percentage = upload.percentage;
console.log(`Uploaded: ${uploadedSize}/${totalSize} bytes`);
console.log(`Scanned: ${scannedBytes} bytes`);
console.log(`Overall progress: ${percentage}%`);
Pre-start Validation
const upload = new Upload(file, {
bucketId: 'bucket123',
customerId: 'customer123',
clientId: 'client123',
// Add custom validation before upload starts
upload.onPreStart.push((upload) => {
if (upload.file.size === 0) {
console.error('Cannot upload empty file');
return false;
return true;
Upload Status Values
The upload.status
can be one of the following:
: Initial stateaccepted
: Upload completed successfullyrejected
: Upload failedencrypted
: File is encrypted and requires a passworddecrypting
: File is being decrypted
Error Handling
const upload = new Upload(file, {
bucketId: 'bucket123',
customerId: 'customer123',
clientId: 'client123',
upload.onError.push((error) => {
console.error('Status:', upload.status);
console.error('Error Message:', upload.errorMessage);
console.error('Error Details:', error);
Aborting an Upload
const upload = new Upload(file, {
bucketId: 'bucket123',
customerId: 'customer123',
clientId: 'client123',
// Later in your code