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Wrapper for tus-js-client


@availity/upload-core is a powerful wrapper for the tus-js-client library, providing a high-level API for managing file uploads using the tus protocol. This package simplifies the process of initiating, monitoring, and handling file uploads in JavaScript applications. Key features include:

  • Easy-to-use Upload class for managing file uploads
  • Progress tracking and real-time status updates
  • Robust error handling and retry mechanisms
  • File validation (size, type, name)
  • Support for encrypted file uploads
  • Customizable upload options and callbacks



npm install @availity/upload-core


yarn add @availity/upload-core


Basic Usage

import Upload from '@availity/upload-core';

const file = new File(['file content'], 'example.pdf', {
type: 'application/pdf',

const upload = new Upload(file, {
bucketId: 'YOUR_BUCKET_ID',
customerId: 'YOUR_CUSTOMER_ID',
clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',

// Add event listeners
upload.onProgress.push(() => {
console.log(`Upload progress: ${upload.percentage}%`);

upload.onSuccess.push(() => {
console.log('Upload completed successfully!');
console.log('File references:', upload.references);
console.log('S3 references:', upload.s3References);

upload.onError.push((error) => {
console.error('Upload failed:', error.message);

// Generate unique ID and start upload
await upload.generateId();

Required params

bucketIdstringThe target bucket
customerIdstringThe customer id of the organization
clientIdstringThe client id for api calls

Optional params

fileTypesstringAllowed file extensions (e.g., '.pdf', '.png')
maxSizenumberMaximum file size in bytes
metadataobjectAdditional metadata for the upload
allowedFileNameCharactersstringRegex pattern for allowed filename characters
pollingTimenumber5000Interval for virus scan polling (ms)
maxAvScanRetriesnumber10Maximum retries for virus scan check
stripFileNamePathSegmentsbooleantrueRemove path segments from filename

Upload event handlers

Each one of these should be an array of functions

  • onPreStart: each function should return a boolean. If false, upload-core will not make xhr request.
  • onProgress: occurs during initial and at various points of the Xhr call to backend.
  • onSuccess: each function is called once if there is a success.
  • onError: each function is called once if there is an error.

Advanced Usage Examples

File Type Restrictions

const upload = new Upload(file, {
bucketId: 'bucket123',
customerId: 'customer123',
clientId: 'client123',
fileTypes: ['.pdf', '.doc', '.docx'],
maxSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024, // 10MB
allowedFileNameCharacters: '_a-zA-Z0-9 ', // alphanumeric, spaces, underscore

Custom Metadata

const upload = new Upload(file, {
bucketId: 'bucket123',
customerId: 'customer123',
clientId: 'client123',
metadata: {
'document-type': 'medical-record',
'patient-id': '12345',
department: 'cardiology',

Handling Encrypted Files

const upload = new Upload(file, {
bucketId: 'bucket123',
customerId: 'customer123',
clientId: 'client123',

upload.onError.push((error) => {
if (upload.status === 'encrypted') {
// Prompt user for password
const password = promptUserForPassword();
} else {
console.error('Upload failed:', error.message);

Progress Tracking

const upload = new Upload(file, {
bucketId: 'bucket123',
customerId: 'customer123',
clientId: 'client123',

upload.onProgress.push(() => {
const uploadedSize = upload.bytesSent;
const totalSize = upload.bytesTotal;
const scannedBytes = upload.bytesScanned;
const percentage = upload.percentage;

console.log(`Uploaded: ${uploadedSize}/${totalSize} bytes`);
console.log(`Scanned: ${scannedBytes} bytes`);
console.log(`Overall progress: ${percentage}%`);

Pre-start Validation

const upload = new Upload(file, {
bucketId: 'bucket123',
customerId: 'customer123',
clientId: 'client123',

// Add custom validation before upload starts
upload.onPreStart.push((upload) => {
if (upload.file.size === 0) {
console.error('Cannot upload empty file');
return false;
return true;

Upload Status Values

The upload.status can be one of the following:

  • pending: Initial state
  • accepted: Upload completed successfully
  • rejected: Upload failed
  • encrypted: File is encrypted and requires a password
  • decrypting: File is being decrypted

Error Handling

const upload = new Upload(file, {
bucketId: 'bucket123',
customerId: 'customer123',
clientId: 'client123',

upload.onError.push((error) => {
console.error('Status:', upload.status);
console.error('Error Message:', upload.errorMessage);
console.error('Error Details:', error);

Aborting an Upload

const upload = new Upload(file, {
bucketId: 'bucket123',
customerId: 'customer123',
clientId: 'client123',

// Later in your code