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<Phone />

Availity Phone component using Formik and Yup


import React from 'react';
import { Form } from '@availity/form';
import { Phone, validatePhone } from '@availity/phone';
import { Button } from 'reactstrap';
import * as yup from 'yup';

const Example = () => (
phone: '',
ext: '',
onSubmit={(values) => alert(JSON.stringify(values))}
phone: yup.string().validatePhone().isRequired(true),
ext: yup.string(),
phoneColProps={{ xs: { size: 9 } }}
name: 'ext',
label: 'Ext.',
extColProps: {
xs: { size: 3 },
<Button type="submit" color="primary">

Live example



name: string

Identifies the field and matches the validation schema.

label?: string

Displays a Reactstrap <Label /> for the field.

country?: string

Default country for parsing national numbers. This is the two letter ISO country code. If no code is provided, the default is 'US'.

showExtension?: boolean

Enable the phone extension field. This is false by default.

extProps?: object

Used to pass props to the extension field when it is enabled.

"name": "",
"label": "",
"extColProps": {}

phoneColProps?: object

Used to control props on the <Col /> for the phone field, if needed. The phone column defaults to xs: { size: 12 } when not rendering an extension field, and defaults to xs: { size: 10 } when rendering an extension field.

"xs": {
"size": 9
"sm": {
"size": 10

extColProps?: object

Used to control props on <Col /> for the extension field, if needed. The extension column has no default size value, so it's default will effectively be size: { 12 - phoneColSize } unless otherwise specified.

"xs": {
"size": 3
"sm": {
"size": 2

restPhoneProps & restExtProps

These are respectively spread onto the corresponding @availity/form <Field /> components, so props like grid can be used on the phone and extension fields.

Lazy Loading and Suspense

Because libphonenumber-js has a relatively large package size, it is recommended that lazy loading and suspense are utilized with this component. This will give your app the benefit of Code-Splitting, and the bundle containing libphonenumber-js and the <Phone /> component will be loaded automatically when the component is first rendered. While the component is being loaded, a fallback component will be rendered to show the user some placeholder content in the meantime.

import React, { Suspense } from 'react';

const Phone = React.lazy(() => import('./Phone'));

function MyApp() {
return (
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
<Phone />