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<AvPayerSelect />

A select list that automatically loads and pages through payers for supported transactionTypes when the user scrolls down.


import React from 'react';
import { Form } from '@availity/form';
import { AvPayerSelect } from '@availity/select';
import { Button } from 'reactstrap';
import * as yup from 'yup';
import '@availity/yup';

const Example = () => (
organizations: '',
onSubmit={(values) => apiResource.submit(values)}
organizations: yup.string().isRequired('This field is required.'),
region: 'FL',
tranTypeCode: '1',
<Button color="primary" type="submit">

Live example: Storybook


Extends ResourceSelect Props.

customerId: string

The extended-payers API from aries requires a customerId prop that must be a string. The AvPayerSelect will use the customerId prop in the request header, X-Availity-Customer-Id, of the all call to extended-payers. This is necessary for the AvPayerSelect select to only contain payers that are accesible and related to the organization specified, and not all the organizations that the user belongs.

Example: customerId: '12345'

region: string

The extended-payers API from aries requires a state param that must be a string. When AvPayerSelect has a region prop, then the results of the all call to extended-payers will be filtered, containing only payers that are accessible from that region. This is necessary for the AvPayerSelect select to only contain payers for that user's current region in the app, instead of all the payers from every region.

Example: region: 'FL'

tranTypeCode: string

The extended-payers API from aries requires a tranTypeCode prop that must be a string. Currently only the following transaction type codes are supported 1, 2, 3, 5. Additionally EBREACT has been added to support payer list for E&B react payers. by the backing API. This will be passed as a request param so that the results of the all call to extended-payers will be filtered, containing only payers that have either a security resource or EPDM route for the specified transaction type code.

Example: tranTypeCode: '1'