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<ResourceSelect />

A select list that automatically loads and pages through a resource when the user scrolls down.


import React from 'react';
import { Form } from '@availity/form';
import { ResourceSelect } from '@availity/select';
import { Button } from 'reactstrap';
import * as yup from 'yup';
import '@availity/yup';

const Example = () => (
resourceSelect: '',
onSubmit={(values) => apiResource.submit(values)}
resourceSelect: yup.string().required('This field is required.'),
label="Resource Select"
<Button color="primary" type="submit">

Live example: Storybook


Extends SelectField Props.

Note: the valueKey prop will only work if you also pass false to the raw prop.

name: string

The name of the field. Will be the key of the selected date that comes through in the values of the onSubmit callback.

requestConfig?: object

Configuration object used in the query method on the resource. Useful for defining headers to be sent with the request.

parameters?: object | (params: any): any

Object used to create querystring parameters in the request. If function, will return new object with params for request.

method?: POST | GET

Override method to use POST request on REST calls with graphqlConfig. When method = 'GET', on populating the options it will call the query function on the API Resource rather then default to a POST GET for cases when not using graphql.

customerId?: string

The value of the customer ID, which is sent in the parameters. Useful for restricting the loaded options to be related to the organization the user has in context.

requiredParams?: string[]

If present, the network request is not made until all of the required parameters specified in the array have a truthy value.

cacheUniq?: any

When this prop changes, all cached options are cleared. (see react-select-async-paginate)

watchParams?: string[]

Provide a list of properties to listen to from the parameters prop. If present, the options reset when any of the parameters specified in the array change value. This is useful for when a customerId changes and you need to load a new list of options for the user to choose from. This list will be used to derive cacheUniq when the cacheUniq prop is not provided. When using watchParams, the parameters prop must must be populated with values that are in the watchParams object.

resource: AxiosResource

Availity API resource (see @availity/api-axios).

getResult?: (data: object) => object[]

When a function, the function is called with the response body from the API call and is expected to return an array. When a string, the string is expected to be a simple key used to get the value from the response. ("simple" means dot notation is not supported for grabbing values from nested objects. If your result is deeply nested, provide a function.)

debounceTimeout?: number

The amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait after the user has stopped typing before making the network request (debounced input). Default: 350

delay?: number

Set to debounceTimeout if debounceTimeout is not provided. (see react-select-async-paginate)

itemsPerPage?: number

the number of items to fetch at a time and display per page when the user scrolls down.

onPageChange?: (inputValue: string | object, page: number) => void

A callback function to inform you that the user has scrolled to the bottom of the list and more items are loaded. The current input value and the page the user wants to go to are provided as arguments to the callback function.

hasMore?: boolean | (data: object) => boolean

If true, ResourceSelect attempts to retrieve the next page of results. from the axios response is passed as the only argument to hasMore when hasMore is a function. Defaults to: ({ totalCount, limit, offset }) => totalCount > offset + limit; for non-GraphQL apis. Defaults to (data) =>[${this.props.graphqlConfig.type}Pagination].pageInfo.hasNextPage for GraphQL apis.

additional?: object

Additional properties to pass to AsyncPaginate (see react-select-async-paginate)

graphqlConfig?: object

Object containing type (String) and query (String) properties. type is the type of asset returned. query is the GraphQL query to use in the request.

minCharsToSearch?: number

The minimum number of characters the user must input before ResourceSelect makes the network request. If the user has not inputted any characters, the network request will still be made. Useful for relieving pressure on the api the resource is calling.

waitUntilFocused?: boolean

When true, the network request is not made until the dropdown has been focused.

defaultToOnlyOption?: boolean

When true, if the resource only returns one result the first time it is called, the value is defaulted to the single result. Note: if waitUntilFocused is true, this prop is ignored.

defaultToFirstOption?: boolean

When true, if the resource returns at least one result the first time it is called, the value is defaulted to the first result. Note: if waitUntilFocused is true, this prop is ignored.

shouldSearch?: boolean | (inputValue: string, prevOptions: OptionType, additional: any) => boolean

When false or a function that returns false, the network request won't be made. Defaults to true.

pageAll: boolean

When true, resource.all() is called to fetch all the results, and search strings will filter by the label values instead of making another network call. DebounceTimeout is set to zero in this case. This should only be used for resources with a consistently small result set and no api search params

Example: AvRegionsSelect has a limited number of results and no api search param

pageAllSearchBy: (previousOptions: any[], inputValue: string) => any[]

A method to specify what to filter the results by when pageAll is true. The list of options and search string is passed in, and an array of similar options is expected to be returned.

onError: (error: Error) => void

Function that is called when the api call returned an error. The error is returned in the callback

additionalPostGetArgs?: object

This object can be used to pass additional arguments to a resource's postGet call. These additional arguments are separate from the parameters that are supported by an API and may be used for filtering or other methods called inside a resource's postGet method. Example for the organizations resource that supports additionalPostGetArgs:

async function postGet(data, config, additionalPostGetArgs) {
if (additionalPostGetArgs) {
const { data: organizationsData } = await super.postGet(data, config);

return this.getFilteredOrganizations(

// Else return normal organizations call
return super.postGet(data, config);

searchTerm?: string

If present, this will serve as the argument name for the typed search value when sending the request to the API. This defaults to q.

Pre-made Resource Selects


The imports were changed in version 3.0.0. In previous versions, you had to import the components from @availity/select/resources. You can now import them from the base package. eg: import { AvProviderSelect } from '@availity/select';

The following components can be imported by name from @availity/select

  • AvProviderSelect
  • AvOrganizationSelect
  • AvPermissionSelect
  • AvNavigationSelect
  • AvUserSelect
  • AvCodeSelect
  • AvPayerSelect

These components use the ResourceSelect component with pre-configured resource, valueKey, and labelKey props. All of the props for ResourceSelect can be provided to override the defaults of these pre-made components. For some of these components, you must provide the customerId prop.


import React from 'react';
import AvApi from '@availity/api-axios';
import { Form } from '@availity/form';
import {
} from '@availity/select';
import * as yup from 'yup';

const schema = yup.object().shape({
provider: yup.string().required('This field is required.'),
organization: yup.string().required('This field is required.'),
region: yup.string().required('This field is required.'),
permissions: yup.string().required('This field is required.'),
payerSpace: yup.string().required('This field is required.'),
user: yup.string().required('This field is required.'),
code: yup.string().required('This field is required.'),
patient: yup.string().required('This field is required.'),
payer: yup.string().required('This field is required.'),

const Example = () => (
provider: null,
organization: null,
region: null,
permissions: null,
payerSpace: null,
user: null,
code: null,
patient: null,
payer: null,
onSubmit={(values) => apiResource.submit(values)}
label="Select a provider"
label="Select a Organization"
label="Select a provider"
label="Select a Payer Space"
<AvUserSelect name="user" label="Select a User" customerId={customerId} />
<AvCodeSelect name="code" label="Select a Code" />
requiredParams={['region', 'tranTypeCode']}
watchParams={['region', 'tranTypeCode']}
region: 'FL',
tranTypeCode: '1',
label="Select a Payer"