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This library contains specialized Badges, utilizing Reactstrap Badge.




npm install @availity/badge reactstrap@^8.0.0


yarn add @availity/badge reactstrap@^8.0.0

Removable Badge


import React from 'react';
import RemovableBadge from '@availity/badge';

const Example = () => (

Live example


RemovableBadge Props

<RemovableBadge/> contains all of the BadgeProp from Reactstrap, in addition to the following.

value: string

This is a unique value for the badge, which is passed up to the onRemove function to describe which badge is being removed.

onRemove: (value: string) => void

This is the function that is called whenever the 'X' icon is clicked. It passes the value of the specified badge to the parent component.

Removable Badge List

This component allows you to specify a list of badges and handles removing the badge from the badge list.


import React from 'react';
import { RemovableBadgeList, BadgeItem } from '@availity/badge';

const Example = () => {
const defaultBadgeList: BadgeItem[] = [
{ value: '1', color: 'primary', displayText: 'Test 1' },
{ value: '2', color: 'success', displayText: 'Test 2' },
{ value: '3', color: 'danger', displayText: 'Test 3' },
{ value: '4', color: 'warning', displayText: 'Test 4' },
{ value: '5', color: 'info', displayText: 'Test 5' },
{ value: '6', color: 'light', displayText: 'Test 6' },
{ value: '7', color: 'dark', displayText: 'Test 7' },
{ value: '8', displayText: 'Test 9' },
const [badgeList, setBadgeList] = useState<BadgeItem[]>(defaultBadgeList);

const remove = () => {

const onRemoveBadge = (badgeList: BadgeItem[]) => {

return <RemovableBadgeList badges={badgeList} onRemove={onRemoveBadge} />;

RemovableBadgeList Props

onRemove: (badges: BadgeItem[]) => void

This is the function that is called whenever a badge in the list has been removed. It passes in the current badge list, after the badge has been removed.

BadgeItem Props

value: string

This is a unique value for the badge, which is passed up to the onRemove function to describe which badge is being removed.

displayText: string

This is the text that will be displayed in the badge.

color: string

The color of the badge. Refer to the Reactstrap documentation to determine which colors are available.

order: number

Optionally display the badges in a specified order.