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Page Header

The standard Availity application header that appears at the top of the page. It can include an app icon, payer logo, and/or the feedback loop.




npm install @availity/page-header @availity/api-axios @availity/spaces axios formik yup@^0.32.0


npm install @availity/page-header @availity/api-axios @availity/spaces axios formik yup@^0.32.0


import React from 'react';
import PageHeader from '@availity/page-header';

const Example = () => (
<PageHeader appName="Payer Space" appAbbr="PS" iconColor="blue" feedback />

Live example



appName: string

Name of the application

spaceName?: string

Payer Space Name of the space in which this page is under.

spaceId?: string

Payer Space ID of the space in which this page is under.

appAbbr?: string

If provided and payerId is not provided, the app icon will appear.

iconColor?: string

Potential values: "black", "blue", "green", "orange", "red". Only used if the app icon should appear. Default: "black".

branded?: boolean

Triggers the app icon's "branded" styles. Only used if the app icon should appear.

payerId?: string

The ID of the payer the application is for. If provided, the payer logo appears and not the app icon.

logo?: boolean

If true will fetch the payer logo using the spaceId or payerId.

component?: ReactNode

Allow rendering of an optional component in the top right of the header.

feedback?: boolean

If true, the feedback loop button appears.

feedbackProps?: FeedbackProps

See Feedback. Props to send to <Feedback /> component

children?: ReactNode

This value appears at the h1 of the page. Overrides the appName to allow for custom elements (such as a "beta" tag). Default: ${appName}.

crumbs?: object[] | ReactNode

Array of Objects containing name (String) and url (String) properties. The ancestor pages which get passed to the Breadcrumbs component. See Breadcrumbs

tag?: React.ComponentType

The tag to render the page header as. Default: <h1>.

clientId?: string

Client ID to use in Spaces to fetch the payer's logo

iconSrc?: string

Image source for <AppIcon /> to be used instead of appAbbr.

iconAlt?: string

Required if iconSrc is used. Image alt property of <AppIcon />

homeUrl?: string

Url for the Home route. Default: public/apps/dashboard.

titleProps?: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLSpanElement>

Additional props passed to the page-header-title.

renderRightContent: React.ComponentType<{ payerLogo: ReactNode, feedback: ReactNode, className: string }>

Used to customize the contents of the right side of the page header where the feedback and payer logo get rendered. Accepts the rendered payerLogo and feedback as props

linkTag?: React.ComponentType<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>> | string

Custom link tag for the links. Default: <a>

showCrumbs?: bool

Flag whether or not to show the breadcrumbs. Default: true