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<ChangePassword />

This is the provider component needed for @availity/change-password components to work. All @availity/change-password components must be children of a ChangePassword provider.

Example Usage

render() {
<ChangePassword resource={resource} conditions={conditions} schema={schema}>
<MyCustomComponent />
<ChangePasswordForm />


resource: AvApi

The resource used to change the user's password. The changePassword method will be called on the resource.

schema: object

The yup schema used to validate the inputs in the ChangePassword Form. The names of the inputs in the form are "currentPassword", "newPassword", and "confirmNewPassword". These names should correspond to the keys in your yup schema.

conditions?: { message: string, passes: func }[]

The conditions that must be satisified in order for a password change to be submitted. Note, these are not used to validate the state of the form. They are used to give the user feedback as they type to let them know if their password is valid. The passes func is passed an object containing the user's currentPassword, newPassword, and confirmNewPassword as well as whether the input fields have been touched: currentPasswordTouched, newPasswordTouched, and confirmNewPasswordTouched, as well as whether or not the form has been submitted, submitted. If the passes func returns true, a green checkmark icon will be displayed. If the passes func returns false, a red checkmark icon will be displayed. If the passes func returns anything else, an empty circle will be displayed. An example of a condition to verify that a password contains an uppercase letter might be:

message: 'Have an uppercase letter',
passes: ({ newPassword, newPasswordTouched, submitted }) => {
if (new RegExp('[A-Z]').test(newPassword)) {
if (newPasswordTouched) return true;
return null;
if (submitted) return false;
return null;

children?: React.ReactNode

The children to render inside the ChangePassword provider. It is recommended to render your ChangePassword form inside a reactstrap Card as the ChangePasswordForm makes use of reactstrap's CardBlock.