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Simple link component that renders an <a> tag with the href formatted to leverage loadApp so that when the link is opened in a new tab, it gets loaded inside the home page's iframe




npm install @availity/link


yarn add @availity/link


The AvLink component has been modified to work with the Availity Portal. The portal serves apps based on the appUrl query parameter and the AvLink component assumes you want to navigate with that rule in mind. This is the preferred method for routing from app to app in the portal as it properly accounts for the Navigation when inside the portal.

Let's assume we have an application that is served at the url: /web/hello/world. If we pass that relative url to the href prop, then clicking the link will take us to:!/loadApp?appUrl=%2Fweb%2Fhello%2Fworld. Notice our provided url was encoded and added to the appUrl query parameter. The code for the above sample can be found below.

import React from 'react';
import AvLink from '@availity/link';

const Example = () => <AvLink href="/web/hello/world">My Application</AvLink>;

If instead you would like to route directly to, then set the loadApp prop to false. This is not recommended as you could lose the Navigation.

import React from 'react';
import AvLink from '@availity/link';

const Example = () => (
<AvLink href="/web/hello/world" loadApp={false}>
My Application

You do not need to worry about using the loadApp prop when you pass an absolute url. Navigating away from the portal is the most common use case for this functionality. For example, the following code would send the user directly to the Availity marketing site

import React from 'react';
import AvLink from '@availity/link';

const Example = () => (
<AvLink href="">My Application</AvLink>

Live example



href: string

The url of the page the link goes to.

target?: string

Where to open the linked document.

tag?: React.ComponentType | string

The tag to use in the link that gets rendered. Default: <a>.

onClick: (event: Event, url: string) => void

Function to run onClick of the link. The first argument passed to onClick is the event. The second argument is the processed url.

loadApp?: boolean

When false, the url prop to AvLink is not formatted to leverage loadApp. Default: true.