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<FilePickerBtn />

The raw file picker button that masks the file input with a button.


import React from 'react';
import { Form } from '@availity/form';
import { FilePickerBtn } from '@availity/form-upload';

const Example = () => {
const handleFileSelection = (event) => {
const { files } =;
// do something with the files.

return (
<Form initialValues={{ myFile: undefined }}>
<FilePickerBtn name="myFile" onChange={this.handleFileSelection} />

Live example: Storybook


name: string

Identifies the field and matches the validation schema.

onClick?: (event: Event) => void

Callback when the button is clicked.

onChange?: (event: Event) => void

Callback when the user has selected a file or multiple files.

multiple?: boolean

Indicates that the user will be allowed to select multiple files when selecting files from the OS prompt.

disabled?: boolean

Disable the file input Default: false.

allowedFileTypes?: string[]

The file types you want to restrict uploading to. eg: ['.jpeg', '.jpg'].

maxSize?: number

The maximum file size (in bytes) for a file to be uploaded.