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<UploadProgressBar />

The raw progress bar to be used when making your own.


import React from 'react';
import { UploadProgressBar } from '@availity/upload';

const Example = () => <UploadProgressBar upload={uploadInstance} animated />;


upload?: UploadCore

The upload instance returned by creating a new Upload via upload-core.

onProgress?: (upload: UploadCore) => void

Callback function to hook into the onProgress within the Upload instance provided in the upload prop.

onSuccess?: (upload: UploadCore) => void

Callback function to hook into the onSuccess within the Upload instance provided in the upload prop.

onError?: (upload: UploadCore) => void

Callback function to hook into the onError within the Upload instance provided in the upload prop.

complete?: boolean

Triggers the "complete" style in the progress bar. When true, a checkmark appears at the end of the progress bar.

striped?: boolean

Triggers the "striped" style in the progress bar.

animated?: boolean

When true the progress bar has animated stripes while uploading is in progress.

color?: string

Color of the progress bar. Default: success