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<Upload />

The default export is an all-in-one solution which handles uploads, encrypted file password requests and file state management for you.

Basic Example

import React from 'react';
import { Form } from '@availity/form';
import Upload from '@availity/form-upload';

const Example = () => (
<Form initialValues={{ myFile: undefined }}>
btnText="Upload a claim"

Callback Function Example

import React from 'react';
import { Form } from '@availity/form';
import Upload from '@availity/form-upload';

const Example = () => {
const onUpload = (upload) => {
if (upload) {
upload.onSuccess.push(async () => {
// success action
upload.onError.push(() => {
// error action

const onRemove = (file) => {
// remove action

return (
<Form initialValues={{ myFile: undefined }}>
btnText="Upload a claim"
onFileUpload={onUpload} // <-- add file callback function
onFileRemove={onRemove} // <-- remove file callback function

File Delivery Metadata Function Example

import React from 'react';
import { Form } from '@availity/form';
import Upload from '@availity/form-upload';

const Example = () => (
<Form initialValues={{ myFile: undefined }}>
btnText="Upload a claim"
deliverFileOnSubmit={false} // can be true or false
fileDeliveryMetadata={(upload) => {
// execute any logic needed
// return metadata object with your needed properties
return {
payerId: 'testPayer',
filetype: upload.file.type,

Live example: Storybook


name: string

Identifies the field and matches the validation schema.

btnColor?: string

The color of the button. Refer to the Reactstrap documentation to determine which colors are available. Default: light.

btnText?: ReactNode

+ Add File for initial file or + Add Another File Attachment if an attachment already have been selected. | The text that appears on the button.

bucketId: string

The ID of the bucket you want to upload to.

customerId: string

The customer ID for the organization the user is uploading on behalf of.

clientId: string

The ID obtained from APIConnect. Must be subscribed to the resumeable uploads API.

allowedFileNameCharacters?: string

Restrict the file name characters to a regex set.

allowedFileTypes?: string[]

Restrict the file types allowed to be uploaded to. eg: ['.jpeg', '.jpg'].

onFileUpload?: (upload: UploadCore) => void

Callback to be executed when file is uploaded. The callback is provided the Upload instance from upload-core SDK. Use this callback to hook into the upload.onSuccess and upload.onError events and track which files have been uploaded and get references returned by the API if needed. See example callback function above

The onFileUpload callback takes precedence over the combination of fileDeliveryMetadata, deliveryChannel, and deliverFileSubmit. If all four properties are defined, only onFileUpload will be used.

onFileRemove?: (files: File[], fileId: String) => void

Callback called when file is removed. The callback is provided two arguments. 1. the updated files and 2. the id of the file that was removed

fileDeliveryMetadata?: object | (upload: UploadCore) => object

The metadata properties that have been configured for the delivery channel you are trying to reach with avFilesDeliveryApi.


Use this prop together with deliveryChannel and deliverFileOnSubmit to have uploads automatically sent to the file delivery API with the proper configuration, without the need to define a custom onFileUpload function.

If you have a use case where some of your metadata is dependent on information from the upload, you can define fileDeliveryMetadata as a function that accepts an upload variable. The upload will be passed to your function before the file delivery API call, and you can assign any dynamic props that you need to before returning the metadata object. See example File Delivery Metadata Function Example above

deliveryChannel?: string

The name of the delivery channel that is unique to where you will deliver files via the avFileDeliveryApi.


Use this prop together with fileDeliveryMetadata and deliverFileOnSubmit to have uploads automatically sent to the file delivery API with the proper configuration, without the need to define a custom onFileUpload function.

deliverFileOnSubmit?: boolean

This prop is used in tandem with deliveryChannel and fileDeliveryMetadata so that your files will only get delivered to fileDeliveryApi when the form is being submitted. When false, the files are delivered as the user adds them. Default: false


Use this prop together with fileDeliveryMetadata and deliveryChannel to have uploads automatically sent to the file delivery API with the proper configuration, without the need to define a custom onFileUpload function.

onDeliverySuccess?: (responses: object[]) => void

Callback to be executed when the delivery API call(s) have completed. It is called with an array of API responses (array of one if a single call was made). Note: a delivery can be REJECTED/FAILED/etc when the success callback is called - make sure to check the deliveryStatus for accurate handling.


Use this prop together with fileDeliveryMetadata and deliveryChannel to define custom actions once the file delivery API call has completed.

onDeliveryError?: (err: object) => void

Callback to be executed when the delivery API call(s) have failed. It is called with the error that was thrown.


Use this prop together with fileDeliveryMetadata and deliveryChannel to define error actions if the file delivery API call threw an error.

maxSize?: number

The maximum file size (in bytes) for a file to be uploaded.

totalMaxSize?: number

The total maximum combined file size (in bytes) for all the files to be uploaded.

max?: number

The maximum number of files allowed to be uploaded. 0 (or a falsey value) means unlimited. When the max number has been reached, the add button will disappear.

multiple?: boolean

Indicates that the user will be allowed to select multiple files when selecting files from the OS prompt. Default: true.

disabled?: boolean

Disable the file input Default: false.

showFileDrop?: boolean

Set as true to show a drag and drop file upload option instead of a button (file explorer still available on click).

getDropRejectionMessage?: (errors: FileError[], file: File) => String

Override the default error message for files rejected when showFileDrop is true.

fallback?: node

A custom fallback element to render while Dropzone is being imported from 'react-dropzone. Since Dropzone is only used when showFileDrop is true, it is imported using lazy loading and suspense to cut down on the bundle size the client needs to initially download.

Defaults to
