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Endpoint converts JSON into a CSV for download.

POST /api/utils/v1/csvs


  • X-Availity-Customer-ID (required) - Organization customer id is used by the system to identify the owner of the CSV document.


  • applicationId (required) — Application name that created the CSV request. Examples: credentialing-app, awesome-healthcare-app
  • rows (required) - This is the content of the CSV. Max of 5000 rows.
  • columns (optional) - You can specify column names to appear on the first line of the CSV. We allow a max of 500 columns by default.
  • fileName (optional) - If fileName is not assigned then the default CSV job id is used instead.


  • Every row must have the same number of entries.
  • If you sent the columns property, every row must have the same number of entries as the columns.
  • We allow a max of 500 columns and 5000 rows.
  • Images can included using base64 encoded data URLs in image tags. Ex: <img src="..." />
  • Make sure to use HTML entities in your templates. For example, if you want to render an apostrophe ' then use entity &apos; instead. Please see for references to other HTML entities.

Response Codes

  • 200 - CSV created and can be downloaded
  • 202 - CSV is processing and is not ready for download
  • 400 - Client sent a bad request. This usually means the request was missing required fields or was malformed.
  • 500 - Internal server error. Let Availity know to help determine what went wrong.

Example Request

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Availity-Customer-ID: 1194" -X POST -d '{
"applicationId" : "example",
"columns": ["Name","Age"],
"rows": [["James","31"],["Mary","25"]]

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/json
x-api-id: fec4cd7c-e940-47e5-912e-e78a8d09980b
X-Session-ID: fec4cd7c-e940-47e5-912e-e78a8d09980b
Cache-Control: private,no-store,max-age=0,must-revalidate
X-Status-Message: We are processing your request.
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 15:28:22 GMT
Content-Length: 355
Server: Jetty(7.4.5.v20110725)
"links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : ""
"id" : "-6746445849906334271",
"createdDate" : "2015-08-18T15:28:22.000+0000",
"updatedDate" : "2015-08-18T15:28:25.000+0000",
"expirationDate" : "2015-08-19T15:28:23.000+0000",
"status" : "In Progress",
"statusCode" : "0",
"applicationId" : "example"

Notice the Location header? GET that.

curl -i -H "X-Availity-Customer-ID: 1194" -X GET
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
x-api-id: fec4cd7c-e940-47e5-912e-e78a8d09980b
X-Session-ID: fec4cd7c-e940-47e5-912e-e78a8d09980b
Cache-Control: private,no-store,max-age=0,must-revalidate
X-Status-Message: Here is your CSV.
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 15:28:22 GMT
Content-Length: 355
Server: Jetty(7.4.5.v20110725)
"links" : {
"csv": {
"href": ""
"self" : {
"href" : ""
"id" : "-6746445849906334271",
"createdDate" : "2015-08-18T15:28:22.000+0000",
"updatedDate" : "2015-08-18T15:28:25.000+0000",
"expirationDate" : "2015-08-19T15:28:23.000+0000",
"status": "Complete",
"statusCode": "4",
"applicationId" : "example"

Notice the csv link? GET that. Its your CSV.

You can use with the csv link returned in the 200 to trigger the browser to download it for the user.