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Endpoint to send telemetry data by level and key/value pairs.

POST /ms/api/availity/internal/pui/key-delivery/v1/telemetry


  • customerId (required) The Availity Customer ID
  • contact (required) The associated email address for the telemetry message
  • source_system (required) The ID of the application the telemetry message is coming from
  • version (required) The version of the Telemetry API the telemetry message should be validated against
  • payerId The selected payer in the workflow if there is one
  • sessionId An alphanumeric ID used to link events from the same session together
  • telemetryBody.level (required) The log level for the telemetry message. Typically one of: ["info", "debug", "warn", "error"]
  • telemetryBody.entries The key value pairs that should be stored for the telemetry message. entries can be for "known keys" or "unknown keys". Known keys are defined below:
  • telemetryBody.entries.action (required) The action taken by the user to trigger the telemetry message to be sent. Typically one of ["click", "hover", "blur", "focus"]
  • telemetryBody.entries.label (required) The text of the element the user interacts with that triggers the telemetry message.
  • telemetryBody.entries.event (required) The event that occurs when the action is taken by the user to trigger the telementry message to be sent. Examples include ["submit", "reset", "redirect", "api"]
  • telemetryBody.entries.category (required) The section of the UI the telemetry message was submitted on

Example Request

curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"customerId": "1194",
"contact": "",
"source_system": "eligibility_and_benefits",
"version": "1",
"payerId": "A123",
"sessionId": "123-456-789",
"telemetryBody": {
"level": "info",
"entries": {
"event": "submit",
"action": "click",
"label": "Submit",
"category": "form",
"elementId": "abc123",
"userId": "aka123"
}}' ''

Response Code

A 201 created status code indicates a successful log. No response value is returned.