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Navigation Spaces

A Navigation object returns the navigational hierarchy in the portal and lists the id, name, link, permissions, dates, child or parent ids, and icon information associated.

GET /api/sdk/platform/v1/navigation/spaces

Find navigational objects using the spaces API. The request parameters act as filters on the collection.


The client must send at least one of the following: id, customerId, userId or q.

  • id (optional) — Allows the client to retrieve multiple spaces by their ids. Accepts multiple id parameters.
  • authorized (optional) — Allows the client to filter by whether the current user is authorized for the spaces.
  • region (optional) - Allows the client to filter by regions. Accepts multiple region parameters.
  • output (optional) - Allows the client to retrieve result data by level. Allowed values: sparse or full.
  • includeInactive (optional) - Allows the client to retrieve inactive spaces.
  • ignoreOverrides (optional) - Allows the client to ignore any environment-specific overrides.
  • childless _(optional) - Whether to retrieve spaces without children to the results.
  • depth (optional) - Allows the client to specify the depth of the tree to return (0 = no limits).
  • filterOnRegion (optional) - Allows the client to filter by region or only use the region for permission checks.
  • offset (optional) - Paging offset. Defaults to 0. This is the zero-based index of the first item to return.
  • limit (optional) - Paging limit. Defaults to 50. The maximum is 50. This is the maximum number of items to return.

Example Request


Example Response

"totalCount": 54,
"count": 2,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 2,
"links": {
"next": {
"href": ""
"last": {
"href": ""
"self": {
"href": ""
"spaces": [
"id": "acme",
"name": "Acme",
"description": "Acme",
"link": {
"text": "Acme",
"url": "/availity/ServiceRegistrationServlet?menuTempl=6248",
"target": "newBody"
"version": "1.0.0",
"type": "navigation",
"brand": {
"name": "Availity",
"id": "21907"
"owners": [
"id": "aka86041677777"
"feature": {},
"permissions": ["6248"],
"icons": {
"dashboard": "icon-doc-alt"
"activeDate": "2016-03-31T20:08:00.000-0400",
"createDate": "2016-03-22T15:04:27.000-0400",
"updateDate": "2017-11-15T11:13:22.000-0500",
"parentIds": ["enrollments_center_links"],
"hasAccess": false
"id": "Request Roster",
"name": "Request Roster",
"description": "Request Roster",
"link": {
"text": "Request Roster",
"url": "/availity/common/linkout_disclaimer.jsp",
"target": "_blank"
"version": "1.0.0",
"type": "navigation",
"brand": {
"name": "Availity",
"id": "21907"
"owners": [
"id": "aka86041677777"
"feature": {},
"permissions": ["7065"],
"activeDate": "2016-03-14T18:14:00.000-0400",
"createDate": "2016-03-22T15:04:27.000-0400",
"updateDate": "2017-06-30T15:29:43.000-0400",
"parentIds": [],
"metadata": {
"ghostText": "This link has been moved to Payer Spaces/Resources.",
"ghosted": "true"
"hasAccess": true

GET /api/sdk/platform/v1/navigation/spaces/:id

Retrieves a navigation space by its id.

Example Request


Example Response

"id": "eligibility_benefits",
"name": "Eligibility and Benefits Inquiry",
"shortName": "EB",
"description": "Eligibility and Benefits Inquiry",
"link": {
"text": "Eligibility and Benefits Inquiry",
"url": "/public/apps/eligibility?cachebust=1454552674322",
"target": "newBody"
"version": "1.0.0",
"type": "navigation",
"keywords": [
"care cost estimator",
"care calc"
"brand": {
"name": "Availity",
"id": "21907"
"owners": [
"id": "aka86041677773",
"name": "Availity"
"permissions": ["7457", "7458", "7181"],
"icons": {
"navigation": "app-icon-orange"
"activeDate": "2016-03-08T16:27:23.000-0500",
"createDate": "2016-03-22T15:04:27.000-0400",
"updateDate": "2018-02-09T12:14:55.000-0500",
"parentIds": ["top_applications", "patient_registration"]