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The useAuthorize hook accepts a list of permissions, with optional parameters, and will return whether the user is authorized or not.

This package uses react-query to handle data fetching. This means you must add a QueryClientProvider to your app if you do not already have one. The default setup should cover most use-cases. However, there are 2 options we recommend looking into in order to determine what is correct for your app. These settings are refetchOnWindowFocus and staleTime. The first option sets whether the to refetch the query when the window is focused, and the other is the default marker for how long the query is valid.


  • permissions: (string | string[])[]. Required.
    • string: The permission ID, eg: '1234'
    • array: The array can contain Permission ID's as well as other arrays which contain Permission ID's eg: ['1234', '2345', ['3456', '4567'], ['5678', '6789']]. The items in a nested array indicate Permission ID's that must all be granted to the user to be considered authorized - they act as an "AND". The items in the top of the array act as an "OR" - if any are granted to the user, the user is considered authorized. For example, ['1234', '2345', ['3456', '4567'], ['5678', '6789']] is equivalent to '1234' || '2345' || ('3456' && '4567') || ('5678' && '6789').
  • options Object. Optional. Additional options
    • organizationId: String. Optional. When present, the permission is validated to ensure it is assigned to the organization.
    • customerId: String. Optional. When present, the permission is validated to ensure it is assigned to the customer.
    • region: String or Boolean. Optional. Default: true. When a string, the permission is validated to ensure it is assigned in the provided region. When true, the permission is validated to ensure it is assigned in the current region.
    • resources: (string | string[])[]. Optional.
      • string: The Resource ID, eg: '12345'
      • array: The array can contain Resource ID's as well as other arrays which contain Resource ID's eg: ['12345', '23456', ['34567', '45678'], ['56789', '67890']]. The items in a nested array indicate the Resource ID's that must all be granted to the user to be considered authorized - they act as an "AND". The items in the top of the array act as an "OR" - if any are granted to the user, the user is considered authorized. For example, ['12345', '23456', ['34567', '45678'], ['56789', '67890']] is equivalent to '12345' || '23456' || ('34567' && '45678') || ('56789' && '67890').

Return Object

An object with two properties is returned from the call

type ReturnObject = {
/* Result of permission check */
authorized: boolean;
/* State of the api call */
isLoading: boolean;


import React from 'react';
import { useAuthorize } from '@availity/authorize';

const Component = () => {
const { authorized, isLoading } = useAuthorize(['1234', '5678'], {
region: 'FL',

return authorized && <SomeAuthorizedComponent />;


Live Example