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<ChangePasswordForm />

The form to change the user's password


onErrorToggle?: ({ setLoading: func, setError: func, setSuccess: func, setSubmitted: func }) => void

Function to call when error <Alert/> is toggled. Defaults to setting the error state to null.

onSuccessToggle?: ({ setLoading: func, setError: func, setSuccess: func, setSubmitted: func }) => void

Function to call when success <Alert/> is toggled. Defaults to setting the success state to null.

onHandleSubmit?: ({ result: any, setSuccess: func, setError: func } ) => void

Function to call when the form is submitted. It is called with an object containing the result from the changePassword method that is called on the resource, the setSuccess function, and the setError function.

onError?: ({ error: Error, setSuccess: func, setError: func }) => void

Function to call when an error occurs calling the changePassword method on the resource. It is called with an object containing the error caught from calling resource.changePassword(), the setSuccess function, and the setError function.

additionalButtons?: React.ReactNode

Additional Buttons to render to the right of the Submit button.

additionalFields?: React.ReactNode

Additional Fields to render in the <Form />

initialValues?: object

Explicitly set initial values for the form. Spreads onto the default initialValues. Useful in conjunction with additionalFields

header?: React.ReactNode

The header to render above the form inputs

maxLength?: number

The maximum length of the user's password

currentPasswordProps?: object

Additional props to spread onto the current password input field

showCurrentPassword?: boolean

Conditionally render the current password input field. Defaults to true

newPasswordProps?: object

Additional props to spread onto the new password input field

confirmNewPasswordProps?: object

Additional props to spread onto the confirm new password input field