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<Feedback />


import React from 'react';
import Feedback from '@availity/feedback';

const Example = () => (
appName="Payer Space"
prompt="Please provide some feedback"
Provide Feedback

Live example: Storybook


appName?: string

The name of the application this feedback is for. It is used in the API request to indicate where the feedback came from.

formProps?: FormProps

Props to be spread to the underlying FeedbackForm. See the FeedbackForm Props.

children?: ReactNode

The text to display on the submit button.

outline?: boolean

Indicates if the button should use the "outline" styles or not.

color?: string

The color of the button. Default: "light".

prompt?: string

Text that prompts the user to provider feedback. Default: "Tell us what you think about ${appName}.".

onFeedbackSent?: (feedback: FeedbackObject) => void

Callback for when the feedback is submitted. It is called with the feedback object.

Whether to open the FeedbackForm in a modal

zIndex?: number | string

Allows for overriding the z-indexvalue from react-strap Modalcomponent.

analytics?: AnalyticsType

Override the analytics instance that is passed in. Default avLogMessagesApi

supportZIndex?: number | string

Allows for overriding the z-index value from reactstrap Support Modal component.

showSupport?: boolean

Toggle whether or not to show the "Open a Support ticket" link in the FeedbackForm