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<ListGroupItemStatus />

summary: ListGroupItem with an optional status badge and colors for the card and badge.


import React from 'react';
import ListGroup from '@availity/list-group';
import { ListGroupItemStatus } from '@availity/list-group-item';

const Example = () => (
<ListGroup cards>
titleContent="Hello World"
badge="Hello World"
Some Lorem Ipsum Content
<ListGroupItemStatus badge="Item 2" color="danger">
Item 2
<ListGroupItemStatus color="success">Item 3</ListGroupItemStatus>

Live example: Storybook


titleContent?: ReactNode

When present, adds a title on the same level as the badge. If of type string then defaults to using <span> tag.

color?: string

Set the color for the border and the badge. Default: "info".

badge?: ReactNode

If a String, the text to render inside of the <Badge />. If an Object, expects text (String) and color (String) properties. text is the text to render inside the badge. color is the color of the badge.