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<WizardStep />

A step in the <Wizard />


import React from 'react';
import Wizard, { WizardStep, WizardStepTitle } from '@availity/step-wizard';

const Example = () => (
<Wizard bar>
<WizardStep active href="#step-1">

<WizardStep disabled href="#step-2">
<WizardStepTitle>Second with some long text</WizardStepTitle>

Live example



complete?: boolean

Triggers the "complete" style in the step.

active?: boolean

Triggers the "active" style in the step.

disabled?: boolean

Triggers the "disabled" style in the step.

clickable?: boolean

Triggers the "clickable" style in the step.

href?: string

Specifies the URL of the page the link goes to. When provided, an anchor tag will be rendered for the step