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<TableControls/> is a container that wraps any given components that would be utilized in concert with the table component. This includes bulk selection, bulk actions, pagination, or any custom component that could potentially be needed. There are two components provided that can be utilized within the <TableControls>: <BulkTableActions/> and <TableSorter/>.

When utilizing <TableControls> as a child of <Table>, the <TableContent> must be provided. This allows for flexibility to allow for adding any number of child components either above or below the table. The TableContent is the pure rendering of just the table itself.


id?: string

This is a unique id that used to identify the component.

disabled?: boolean

If this flag is set to true on the parent <TableControls/> component, it will set disabled to true on all of it's child controls (for those components that have a disabled property and respect it).


Here is an example of basic set up of the TableControls.

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import Table, { TableContent, ScrollableContainer, TableControls, TableSorter, BulkTableActions} from '@availity/table';
import Pagination, { PaginationControls } from '@availity/pagination';
import '@availity/table/style.scss';

import records from 'data/records.json';

const myTableConfig = {
columns: [
Header: 'Column 1',
accessor: 'column1'
Header: 'Column 2',
accessor: 'column2'
Header: 'Column 3',
accessor: 'column3'

const MyBulkTableActions = [
id: 'action1',
displayText: 'Action 1',
isVisible: (records: MyRecordType[]) => {
return every(records, record.hasAction1);
onClick: (records: MyRecordType[]) => {
console.log(`action on record ${}`);
id: 'action2',
displayText: 'Action 2',
isVisible: (records: MyRecordType[]) => {
return every(records, !record.hasAction1);
onClick: (records: MyRecordType[]) => {
console.log(`action on record ${}`);

const Example = () : JSX.Element => (
const [isDisabled, setIsDisabled] = useState<boolean>(records.length === 0);

<TableControls disabled={disabled}>
<div style={{ marginLeft: 'auto' }}>
{({ instance }) => (
onPageChange={(page: number) => {
const { gotoPage } = instance;
gotoPage(page - 1);


This component will allow you to select all and deselect all records in the table and perform actions on them.


id?: string

This is a unique id that used to identify the component.

disabled?: boolean

If this flag is set to true, the dropdown and buttons will be disabled.

recordName?: string

This is the name of the record as it should display on the button. For instance, if the recordName="MyRecords", the button will read Select all MyRecords, or Deselect all MyRecords. If no property is provided, it will default the record name to Records.

color?: string

This identifies the color variant to use for the dropdown buttons. For what variants are available, refer to Reactstrap.

onRecordsSelected?: (selectedRows: object[]) => void

If this function is provided, it will be called whenever records are selected or deselected, passing the records that are currently selected in the table.

bulkActions?: BulkRecordAction

This is the list of actions that are available to perform on selected records.

BulkRecordAction Props

onClick?: (selectedRecords: object[]) => void This is the action that is taken whenever the action is selected from the dropdown, passing the records that are currently selected in the table.

isVisible?: (selectedRecords: object[]) => void This is a function that determines whether the given action should display, passing the records that are currently selected in the table.


This components supplies a dropdown of all the available sort fields, alongside a toggle that will sort that field ascending or descending. This dropdown is automatically populated by what columns allow sorting in the TableContext`.

id?: string

This is a unique id that used to identify the component.

disabled?: boolean

If this flag is set to true, the dropdown and buttons will be disabled.

color?: string

This identifies the color variant to use for the dropdown buttons. For what variants are available, refer to Reactstrap.

onSort?: (sortBy: TableSort) => void

Event handler that is called when data is sorted. This passes in the current sort configuration for the table.

sortOptions?: TableSortOption[];

When this is set to populated, it will populate the dropdown from this list. If autoGenerateSortOptions is set to true, it will concatenate this list with the all the sortable columns in the table.

autoGenerateSortOptions?: boolean;

When this is set to true, the sort options in the dropdown will be automatically sorted based on the sortable columns in the table. If this is set to false, it will look at the provided sort options and populate the dropdown from that. This defaults to true.

Adding Additional Components

Any custom component can also be added as a child to the <TableControls/> component. Doing so will provide the component with the TableContext and leverage data on that context.

Pagination Example

The @availity/pagination library can also be leverage to work with the table.

Below is an example of how to configure it (client-size pagination).

<Table columns={columns} data={records} paged>
<TableControls disabled={disabled}>
<div style={{ marginLeft: 'auto' }}>
{({ instance }) => (
onPageChange={(page: number) => {
const { gotoPage } = instance;
gotoPage(page - 1);
<TableContent />