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<PaginationContent />

This is the container of all the items rendered to the DOM when the Pagination provider receives items. Must be /nested inside a Pagination component.


import React from 'react';
import { PaginationContent } from '@availity/pagination';

const Example = () => (


component? React.ComponentType

The component to render when iterating through the current page of items. The contents of the item will be spread on the props of the component when rendered.

itemKey: string

The key of the object rendered in the component to be used during mapping.

loadingMessage?: string

The message to render with the loading bar when in the loading state.

loader?: boolean

If true, calls BlockUI to simulate a loading state if the provider is loading.

containerProps?: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>

Props to be spread onto the <BlockUI /> tag.

containerTag?: React.ComponentType | string

The tag to render the <BlockUI /> as. Default: div.

infiniteScroll?: boolean

If true, renders pagination content inside an infinite scroll component

infiniteScrollProps?: InfiniteScrollProps

Only used when infiniteScroll is true. See react-infinite-scroll-component

children?: React.ReactNode | ({ items?: ReactNode }) => ReactNode

Customize the contents of what gets rendered. Children can be a react child or a function that accepts the pagination items