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<Pagination />

This is the provider component needed for @availity/pagination components to work. All @availity/pagination components must be children of a Pagination provider.


import React, { useState } from 'react';
import Pagination from '@availity/pagination';

const Example = () => {
const [items, setItems] = useState([]);

// logic to get items

return (
<Pagination itemsPerPage={25} items={items}>
<Pagination.Content component={Component} />

Live example: Storybook


items? object[] | (currentPage: number, itemsPerPage: number) => { items: object[], totalCount: number }

If Array, defaults totalCount to the length of the array, and page values are sliced from the Array. If a function, it is called with the current page as an argument and expects an array of items to be returned.

itemsPerPage?: number

The total amount of items to render at a time. ( After all the filtering ). Default: 10.

page?: number

Optionally pass your own page in to make the pagination component controlled from props.

onPageChange?: (page: number) => void

Function to call after the new page has been set when the user changes the page

watchList?: any[]

Array of data points that, when changed, causes the pagination to update. This is helpful when the items prop is a function and you want items to be called to get the most up-to-date list.

resetParams?: any[]

Array of data points that, when changed, causes pagination to reset the current page to 1.

defaultPage?: number

The starting page to use when the component mounts. Default: 1.

debounceTimeout?: number

The amount of time (in milliseconds) to delay fetching page data since the last time page data was fetched (debounced input). Useful for when items is a function that's calling an api that you want to relieve pressure on. Default: 0

shouldReturnPrevious?: boolean

If true, the previous results are returned. Note: if no results have been fetched thus far, an empty array is returned. Useful for when items is a function and new results should not be fetched until certain criteria is met. Default: false.

onError?: (error: Error) => void

Function to call when an error occurs