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Getting Started

This is a generic table component that wraps react-table. It also provides a mechanism for child components to have access to the table instance, in controls such as pagination and sorting.

See react-table documentation for more information about react-table.



npx install-peerdeps @availity/table --save

Simple Example

import React from 'react';
import Table, { TableContent } from '@availity/table';
import '@availity/table/style.scss';

const columns = [
Header: 'Column 1',
accessor: 'column1',
Header: 'Column 2',
accessor: 'column2',
Header: 'Column 3',
accessor: 'column3',

const Example = () => <Table columns={columns} data={data} />;

If migrating from a @availity/table version of 0.3.2 or below, we have simplified the markup and changes will need to be made to fix this.. You just need to copy all of the properties from the original TableProvider component and apply them to the table. The table can now be used without the table provider. If context needs to be shared to child components, just add those components as a child of the table. See more details in the Migrating from version 0.3.x section.


By default, the following react-table provided hooks are implemented:

Need to add custom hooks, or implement a react-table hook that isn't displayed above? Just pass the hook into the pluginHooks property of the table.


To display a basic table, the Table component with no children is the only thing that needs to be implemented. However, if there are child components that need to be added, it is required to add the <TableContent> component wherever the table should be displayed. This allows for flexibility of where components can be displayed, either before or after the table.

Table with Children Example

import React from 'react';
import Table, {
} from '@availity/table';
import Pagination, { PaginationControls } from '@availity/pagination';
import '@availity/table/style.scss';

const columns = [
Header: 'Column 1',
accessor: 'column1',
Header: 'Column 2',
accessor: 'column2',
Header: 'Column 3',
accessor: 'column3',

const Example = () => (
<Table columns={columns} data={data}>
<TableControls disabled={disabled}>
<BulkTableActions />
<TableSorter />
<div style={{ marginLeft: 'auto' }}>
{({ instance }) => (
onPageChange={(page: number) => {
const { gotoPage } = instance;
gotoPage(page - 1);
<TableContent />

Table Props

This extends the react-table TableOptions. You can supply any properties listed on the documentation here and have the table respect it.

id?: string

This is a unique id that is prepended to the table and nested table elements.

columns: Column[]

This is an array of column definitions based off of react-table Column.

data: object[]

This property holds the data for the table.

selectable?: boolean

This determines whether the table is selectable or not. If it is set to true, then the first column of the table will be a checkbox column that will toggle selecting and deselecting the row.

sortable?: boolean

This determines whether the table is sortable or not.

initialState?: object

This object definition sets the initial state of the table, including the default sort by definition.

additionalContent?: ReactNode

This designates a Component that will be displayed in the table row for the record. This content displays in an additional <tr> with a colspan equal to the number of columns that are NOT sticky.

scrollable?: boolean

This property is automatically set when it is wrapped in a scrollable container. This will apply fixed column widths to force it to scroll rather than minify the columns to fit in a set container.

paged?: boolean

This boolean determines whether the table is paged or not. This works with the usePagination hook that is documented in react-table. This defaults to false.


Custom plugin hooks that should be passed to the table. For more information on how to utilize and apply hooks, refer to the documentation


Any DOM properties that should be passed onto the <tbody> element.

getCellProps?: (cell: Cell<object>) => void

This function provides any DOM properties that should be passed onto the <td> elements. Optionally pass in the Cell object in order to conditionally add DOM properties based on data of the cell.

headerProps?: object

Any DOM properties that should be passed onto the <thead> element. A special boolean property sticky' is added here to allow for designating the header as 'sticky' or not.

getRowProps?: (row: Row<object>) => void

This function provides any DOM properties that should be passed onto the <tr> element. Optionally pass in the Row object in order to conditionally add DOM properties based on the data of the row.

onSort?: (sortBy: tableSort[]) => void

This function will be called whenever the table has been sorted.

getCanSelectRow: (record: T) => boolean

This function determines if a row in a selectable table can be selected. By default if no function is provided to this property, all rows in the table are selectable.

onRowClick?: (event: OnTableClickEvent) => void

This function is called whenever a row on the table has been clicked.

useColumnWidths: boolean

When true, it will take the width as defined in the column configuration and apply it to the styles of each column. It is recommended that when this is true that you set a defaultColumn with a width of auto to ensure that the columns just take whatever width is necessary to fit the content.

Determines whether a footer should be displayed. Footer configuration must be added the Column Definition for the Footer value for the column to display.

OnTableClickEvent Props

instance: Row The react-table Row instance that was clicked.

data: object

This record that was clicked.

index: number

The index of the row that was clicked.

onRowSelected?: (event: OnRowSelectedEvent) => void

Event handler for when a row is selected.

OnRowSelectedEvent Props

selectedRows: Row<T>[]

The records that are selected.

onSort?: (sortBy: TableSort) => void

Event handler that is called when data is sorted.

TableSort props

id: string

The id, or the name of property on the object, that should be used to sort the data.

desc: boolean

If true, the data should sort descending. If false, the data should sort ascending.

useTableContext hook

Any child components of the <Table> will have access to the TableContext, which holds all of the instance data created by the useTable hook from react-table alongside any other provided parameters.

import { useTableContext } from './TableContext';
const {
} = useTableContext();

The instance property is tied directly to the react-table Table Instance. Refer to the documentation for details on what data is provided there.

Formatting Cells

Action Cell

This is used to display an action menu in a cell.

actions?: RecordAction<T>[]

The actions that are present in the dropdown.


This is the primary action of record. It displays as an clickable icon underneath the Action Menu on the table row.

isSticky?: boolean

When the action menu is open, setting this to true means that the action menu will maintain the same position even on scroll or resize. When false, the behavior matches the default Popper behavior of automatically calculating the correct position of the Dropdown Menu.

tableActionMenuProps?: TableActionMenuProps

Any additional properties that should be passed to the TableActionMenu component.

tooltipProps?: UncontrolledTooltipProps

This is only utilized when there is a primary action on the table. This will override any of the default tooltip props for the UncontrolledTooltip that appear when hovering over the primary action icon.

Action Definitions

isVisible?: (record?: T) => boolean

This is an optional function that can be used to conditionally display an action. The record will be passed into the function so that, if needed, the properties on the record can determine if the action is visible or not. If this properties are not populated, the action will always display.

onClick?: (record?: T) => action

This is the onClick event handler for the action.


const columns = [
id: 'actions',
Header: 'Actions',
Cell: ActionCell({
actions: [
id: 'action1',
displayText: 'Action 1',
isVisible: (record: MyRecordType) => {
return record.hasAction1;
onClick: (record) => {
console.log(`action on record ${}`);
id: 'action2',
displayText: 'Action 2',
isVisible: (record: MyRecordType) => {
return !record.hasAction1;
onClick: (record) => {
console.log(`action on record ${}`);

Badge Cell

This is used to display a Reactstrap Badge in a cell. See Availity UI Kit and ReactStrap for available stylings.


const columns = [
Header: 'Badge',
accessor: 'badge',
Cell: ({ row: { original } }) =>
original ? BadgeCell('success', original.badgeValue) : null,

const columns = [
Header: 'Badge',
accessor: 'badge',
Cell: BadgeCell('success'),


color: string

The color of the badge. Refer to the Reactstrap documentation linked above for available stylings.

displayText: string

The text that should be displayed inside the badge.

defaultValue: string

An optional default value text or component that can be displayed whenever the value of the cell is not defined.

Currency Cell

This is used to format currency in a cell. You can optionally pass it a default value to display if the value is null.


const columns = [
Header: 'Currency',
accessor: 'currency',
Cell: CurrencyCell({ defaultValue: '$0.00' }),



Defaults to USD.


The value that should display if the value of the currency property is not defined. Defaults to ''.


The locale of the currency. Defaults to en-us.

Date Cell

This is used to format a date in a cell by passing in a date format.


const columns = [
Header: 'Service Date',
accessor: 'serviceDate',
Cell: DateCell({ dateFormat: 'MM/DD/yyyy' }),


dateFormat: string

The format of the date string that you want to be displayed.

defaultValue?: string

An optional default value text or component that can be displayed whenever the value of the cell is not defined.

displayTooltip?: boolean

Boolean that determines if a tooltip should be displayed on hovering over the cell. Defaults to true.

tooltipProps?: UncontrolledTooltipProps

This will override any of the default tooltip props for the UncontrolledTooltip that appear when hovering over the primary action icon.

Icon Cell

This is used to have an cell display an icon. This will only show the icon if the value for the cell is populated (or true). In order to show an icon always and not conditionally you can utilize BuildIcon and supply it the name of the icon and title.

See Availity UI Kit for available icons.


To always display an icon, you can configure the column to just pass in the @availity/Icon component. In the body of the table, the icon is displayed if the hasNotes property is set to true.

    const columns = [
Header: <Icon name='doc-alt' title='Has Notes'/>),
accessor: 'hasNotes',
Cell: IconCell({ name: 'doc-alt', title: 'View Notes' }),

If the title of the icon is dependent on the data of the record, it is possible to pass a function to the IconCell (as getTitle) to populate the record.

const columns = [
Header: <Icon name="flag" title="Flag for followup" />,
accessor: 'followup',
Cell: IconCell({
name: 'flag',
getTitle: (value: { username: string }) =>
`Assigned To ${value.username}`,

Icon With Tooltip Cell

This cell definition is the same as the IconCell, but will display a Reactstrap tooltip when hovering over it. An ID must be populated so that the tooltip can be applied to the correct target. You can do this by populating a getId(row) function to access the data in the row.

Additionally, to populate the tooltip text from the record, a tooltipText(value) function can be supplied to populate the tooltip text from the cell value. If the text is the same each time, you can also just set this value to a string (tooltipText: 'My tooltip').

See Availity UI Kit for available icons.


    const columns = [
Header: 'Has Middle Name',
accessor: 'middleName'
Cell: IconWithTooltipCell({
name: 'ok',
getId: (row) => `IconHasMiddleName_${}`,
tooltipText: (value) => `Middle Name: ${value}`,
defaultValue: 'Not Available',


name: string

The name of the icon that is displayed. See Availity UI Kit for available icons.

defaultValue?: string

An optional default value text or component that can be displayed whenever the value of the cell is not defined.

tooltipText?: string | ((value: T) => string)

The text that should display inside the tooltip. This can be either a hard coded string or a function that refers to the cell value to populate the tooltip.

getId? (row: Row<T>) => string

Use this to formulate an id that is unique for the table. This is required for the tooltip to be able to correctly set the target and appear on hover over the correct element.

tooltipProps?: UncontrolledTooltipProps

This will override any of the default tooltip props for the UncontrolledTooltip that appear when hovering over the primary action icon.

Default Value Cell

This cell will display default text whenever the cell value is not defined.


    const columns = [
Header: 'Has Middle Name',
accessor: 'middleName'
Cell: DefaultValueCell('Not Available'),


defaultValue?: string

An optional default value text or component that can be displayed whenever the value of the cell is not defined.

Column Configuration Properties

To see a comprehensive list of available properties for column configuration, view the react-table documentation.

The following properties are some key ones to get going:

This is the table header. You can either provider a string or function.

Display a header as a static string:

const columns = [
Header: 'My Column',

Display a formatted header, such as an Icon.

  const columns = [
Header: <Icon name="phone" title="phone/>,

The same applies for adding a Footer for a column cell (make sure to also add the footer prop to the table to ensure that it displays).

const columns = [
Footer: 'My Column',

Display a formatted header, such as an Icon.

  const columns = [
Footer: <Icon name="phone" title="phone"/>,


This is the property name from the record.


This is key for customizing how the data is presented in the cell.


When inside a sortable table, this designates that the column is not sortable.

The @availity/table extends the react-table with some additional properties as follows.


This makes the column sticky to the left side of the table. This works best when inside a scrollable container. Not supported in IE11.

This makes the column sticky to the right side of the table. This works best when inside scrollable container. Not supported in IE11.


When there is an on OnRowClick event populated, this designates that the column should not be clickable and not call that event. This is helpful for actions columns or cells that contain links or special functions.


When this is true, the column will be hidden in the table.

width?: number

The width of the column. Use this in combination with useColumnWidths boolean on the <Table> component.

minWidth?: number

The min-width of the column. Use this in combination with useColumnWidths boolean on the <Table> component.

maxWidth?: number

The max-width of the column. Use this in combination with useColumnWidths boolean on the <Table> component.

What should be displayed in the Footer for the column. footer must be added to the table for this to display.

Styling the Table

In order to get the out-of-the-box styles for the table you can import the table scss file. You can also supply classNames to bodyProps, cellProps, headerProps, or rowProps.

SASS variables

Custom styling the table can be accomplished by setting the SASS variables prior to importing the scss file:

$av-table-header-background-color: #3e6887;
$av-table-header-text-color: #ffffff;
$av-table-header-cell-hover-color: #365b77;
$av-table-selected-background-color: #ccdee2;
$av-table-sort-icon-color: #fff;
$av-table-font-size: 12px;
$av-table-selected-background-color: #ccdee2;

@import '~@availity/table/styles.scss';

The following are the available variables to utilize.

$av-table-background-color: #f2f2f2 !default;
$av-table-even-background-color: #ffffff !default;
$av-table-odd-background-color: #f2f2f2 !default;
$av-table-selected-background-color: #ecf0f3 !default;

$av-table-header-background-color: #ffffff !default;
$av-table-header-text-color: #000 !default;
$av-table-header-cell-hover-color: #f2f2f2 !default;
$av-table-header-height: 36px !default;
$av-table-scrollable-height: 69vh !default;
$av-table-scrollable-max-height: 100vh !default;

$av-table-fixed-text-column-width: 160px !default;
$av-table-fixed-icon-column-width: 27px !default;
$av-table-fixed-selection-column-width: 50px !default;
$av-table-action-column-width: 50px !default;

$av-table-border-color: #ddd !default;
$av-table-action-menu-color: #333 !default;
$av-table-sort-icon-color: #000 !default;
$av-table-font-size: 1rem !default;

$av-table-additional-content-background-color: #fff !default;

Sticky Headers and Sticky Columns

You can configure the table header to be sticky by setting the headerProps.sticky property to true. This works best when the table is wrapped in a <ScrollableContainer/>.

sticky: true,

You can also can configure a column to be sticky either left or right. This can be configured on in the column definitions for the table.

const columns = [
id: 'actions',
stickyRight: true,

Note that this is not supported in IE 11.

Accessing the Table Ref in a Parent Component

It is common that a parent component will need to have access to the the table instance. This can be done utilizing React Refs.

There is now an exported TableRef that contains the react-table tableInstance.

import React, { useRef } from 'react';
import Table, { TableRef } from '@availity/table';

import MyObject from '@types/MyObject';

type Props = {
data: MyObject[];

const MyComponent = ({ data }: Props) : JSX.Element => {
const ref = useRef<TableRef<MyObject>>(null);
const [areAllSelected, setAreAllSelected] = useState(false);

const columns = useMemo(
() =>
Header: 'Column 1',
accessor: 'column1',
Header: 'Column 2',
accessor: 'column2',
Header: 'Column 3',
accessor: 'column3',

const toggleSelectAll = () => {
const selectAll = !areAllSelected;

return (
<Label id="lblSelectAll" className="ml-1 mr-2" check>
Select All
<Table ref={ref} selectable columns={columns} data={data}/>

export const MyComponent;

Migrating from version 0.3.x

To migrate from a version of @availity/table of 0.3.X or below, you should only need to copy all the props from the old TableProvider component and apply them to the table.

If <TableControls> are being utilized, move the <TableControls> to be a child of the TableComponent and add the TableContent component to where the table should be displayed relative to the table controls.

Simple Migration


import React from 'react';
import Table, { TableProvider } from '@availity/table';
import '@availity/table/style.scss';

const columns = [
Header: 'Column 1',
accessor: 'column1',
Header: 'Column 2',
accessor: 'column2',
Header: 'Column 3',
accessor: 'column3',

const Example = () => (
<TableProvider columns={columns} data={data}>
<Table />


import React from 'react';
import Table from '@availity/table';
import '@availity/table/style.scss';

const columns = [
Header: 'Column 1',
accessor: 'column1',
Header: 'Column 2',
accessor: 'column2',
Header: 'Column 3',
accessor: 'column3',

const Example = () => <Table columns={columns} data={data} />;

If <TableControls> are being utilized, move the <TableControls> to be a child of the TableComponent and add the TableContent component to where the table should be displayed relative to the table controls.

Migration with Table Controls


import React from 'react';
import Table, {
} from '@availity/table';
import Pagination, { PaginationControls } from '@availity/pagination';

import '@availity/table/style.scss';

const columns = [
Header: 'Column 1',
accessor: 'column1',
Header: 'Column 2',
accessor: 'column2',
Header: 'Column 3',
accessor: 'column3',

const Example = () => (
<TableProvider columns={columns} data={data}>
<TableControls disabled={disabled}>
<BulkTableActions />
<TableSorter />
<div style={{ marginLeft: 'auto' }}>
{({ instance }) => (
onPageChange={(page: number) => {
const { gotoPage } = instance;
gotoPage(page - 1);
<Table />


import React, { useState } from 'react';
import Table, { TableContent, TableControls, TableSorter, BulkTableActions} from '@availity/table';
import Pagination, { PaginationControls } from '@availity/pagination';
import '@availity/table/style.scss';

import records from 'data/records.json';

const myTableConfig = {
columns: [
Header: 'Column 1',
accessor: 'column1'
Header: 'Column 2',
accessor: 'column2'
Header: 'Column 3',
accessor: 'column3'

const MyBulkTableActions = [
id: 'action1',
displayText: 'Action 1',
isVisible: (records: MyRecordType[]) => {
return every(records, record.hasAction1);
onClick: (records: MyRecordType[]) => {
console.log(`action on record ${}`);
id: 'action2',
displayText: 'Action 2',
isVisible: (records: MyRecordType[]) => {
return every(records, !record.hasAction1);
onClick: (records: MyRecordType[]) => {
console.log(`action on record ${}`);

const Example = () : JSX.Element => (
const [isDisabled, setIsDisabled] = useState<boolean>(records.length === 0);

<TableControls disabled={disabled}>
<div style={{ marginLeft: 'auto' }}>
{({ instance }) => (
onPageChange={(page: number) => {
const { gotoPage } = instance;
gotoPage(page - 1);